CECOP's campaign on care #coopscare



In autumn this year, the European Commission published the European Care Strategy, responding to the growing care needs in Europe. CECOP wants to use this occasion to highlight the contribution of thousands of cooperatives across Europe which are active in the care sector. Cooperatives provide good and stable working conditions to hundreds of thousands of carers, and excellent care services to millions of Europeans – because they care about service recipients, their communities, and their workers.


Take a look at the efforts made by CECOP on this topic 


Towards the new European Care Strategy: Acknowledge & empower coops – essential care providers in Europe (April 2022)



The new European Care Strategy, forthcoming in September 2022, should acknowledge the role of cooperatives providing care and to help them address outstanding challenges in the sector.

Read the position paper



Policy report Cooperatives care! Advantages of the cooperative model for meeting multiple care-related needs and challenges in the EU (June 2022)


Care is a universal need, while care provision is a fast-growing sector of the economy. This CECOP report focuses on how cooperatives contribute to meeting the high demand for care and address the various challenges in the sector. The report also showcases best practice examples and offers policy recommendations.


Read the report



Introductory video by CECOP president Giuseppe Guerini (June 2022)


Video documentary of French worker cooperative Titi Services (July 2022)



Video documentary of Italian Social Cooperative Spazio Aperto Servizi (September 2022)



Analysis of the European Care Strategy (September 2022)

CECOP welcomed the adoption of the Strategy and the related policy initiatives by the European Commission, as a timely and highly necessary step to address the numerous challenges in the EU care sector and to promote further innovation.


Read full analysis


Animated video explaining care cooperatives (November 2022)




Cooperatives Care! - The conference (November 2022)

On November 15th, CECOP organized a conference and showed how cooperatives across Europe already provide novel solutions for better care to millions of Europeans. Cooperatives are driven by the needs of their workers and their communities; they spearhead innovation in care provision, technological and digital innovation, and meet the needs of the carers.  At the conference, CECOP also discussed how cooperatives can be best supported in the implementation of the European Care Strategy. 


Read conference report


Take a look at the invite



Peruse the #carecoops hasthag on Twitter.





This campaign has been funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.