The “social media” website for cooperatives in industry and services Coopspace is a web tool aimed at promoting enterprise-to-enterprise contacts among the cooperatives of the CICOPA network at the international level. The website is exclusively dedicated to CICOPA direct or indirect members (cooperative confederation, federations, enterprises, support organisations etc.).

We selected 7 sectors that are both numerically important and in which cooperatives are likely to be interested in exchanging internationally: media, ITC, health, social services, environment services,, education and construction. These sectors will be gradually activated. through dedicated web pages, beginning with the media sector. In each sector, a dedicated world coordinator will be providing world coordination and leading forum discussions.


The Coopspace users will be able to share an announcement or specific requests on the “Post” section. On the section “Forum” the world coordinator of each sector (previously proposed by a CICOPA member organisation) will start a debate and any user will be able to comment on Coopspace users can also propose specific topics of discussion to the reference person for each sector or directly launch a question on the section “Post” that may be the issue of a new debate at the “Forum” section.

All users can be displayed and bilateral exchanges can be made. Users have also the possibility to send internal emails among them through the Coopsace system.