As member of the Advisory Stakeholder Board, CECOP is happy to announce that the Buying for Social Impact (BSI) project has just published a collection of good practice showing how the social aspects of the new public procurement directive 2014/24/EU can be put into practice across the EU.

The 2014 directive was a positive step concerning socially responsible public procurement: a legal basis for favouring social economy enterprises when opening public bids is present ever since. 

The biggest stake is then the implementation at the national level and, more precisely, at the local level. This collection of practices sheds light on how virtuous public administrations use social consideration in public procurement around Europe.

The final publication presents 22 examples of good practice from 12 EU Member States. These include good practice from 12 Member States. Social cooperatives’ work is shown in cases from Italy, Greece, Poland and Croatia. 

The good practices analysed concern public procurement procedures, as well as policy initiatives and support structures (i.e. strategies, networks of facilitators, capacity-building projects or programmes, databases etc.).




Buying for Social Impact (BSI) was a project commissioned by the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) and the European Commission Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) to promote the use of social considerations in public procurement procedures in 15 EU Member States (Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Sweden).

The project ran from July 2018 to January 2020 and was carried out by a consortium of European organisations active in the promotion of local development and social economy enterprises. This was led by the European Association for Information on Local Development (AEIDL), working in partnership with the European Network of Cities and Regions for the Social Economy (REVES), DIESIS COOP, Social Economy Europe (SEE), and the European Network of Social Integration Enterprises (ENSIE).